Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lance Armstrong

                                                     Lance Armstrong: Will power
                                                  I still believe in Lance Armstrong
                                                                                                                    By: Kayla

     Some people believe he doped. Some people want to bring him down, using anything that they can find against him. In this case they used doping as an excuse. At first I thought that he was just like Michel Phelps, a dieing or dead athlete. I was wrong. Maybe he doped, I don't know and I don't care. What matters is that he was kind and strong-willed. He started a cancer foundation, not just because he was a cancer surviver (in my opinion), but also because he thought about others that may not survive. He was strong-willed because, even if he doped, he made it. He had cancer but he kept going; he didn't lie at home thinking to himself that he would never be able to cycle again. USADA needed to prove that they are useful, they needed to show the world that they can catch bad guys. But I think that they are using him as a pawn; a victim of their little game. Maybe instead of accusing Lance without any proof, they should be focused on catching real cheaters. If they can't find anyone to tear down, too bad, look harder, work harder, focus, all the things Armstrong did and still does. Everyone was on the same road in the tour de france race but only one person won. There were no shortcuts, no special treatment, it wasn't about the bike, same rules, same courses. You just have to keep going, there will be obsticles, people trying to throw you off your feet, hardships, but you have to stay on track; why don't you, Travis Tygart, try putting on Armstrong's shoes. Try getting out of your office and take a bike ride. Even is Travis Tygart doped he wouldn't last a mile.

Reference: Newsweek (the September 3rd issue)

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